28 April 2010
Allah itu bukan Tuhan (Panggilah Allah, Buangkan perkataan Tuhan)
Sampaikanlah Wahai Umat Yang Dimuliakan.. Walaupun dengan sepotong ayat.. Sampaikan lah kebenaran itu.. Wahai para pemikir dan pendakwah. Sampaikanlah, sesungguhnya umat terpilih itu dimuliakan Allah kerana mereka menyampaikan. Selepas itu kamu tiada kuasa atas mereka melainkan Allah yang mengambil urusan seterusnya.Maka itu sampaikanlah wahai umat-umat terpilih yang dimuliakan kejadiannya dengan bahasa yang kamu fahami. Mudahan kamu sekelian mendapat keredaan Allah Azzawajalla.Segalanya adalah ALLAH... bukannya tuhan..Syahadah bagi setiap muslim ialah Tiada "tuhan" melainkan "Allah" dan Muhammad adalah Penyampai Risalah Allah. Maka setiap muslim wajiblah beriman kepada "Allah" sahaja dan menyingkir nama "tuhan" :- Tiada tuhan dan Allah bukan tuhan:- Bahawa Allah adalah pencipta yang maha agung yang menciptal langit dan bumi serta seluruh isi alam,meliputi segala kejadian agung ciptaan nya. "Allah" yang mempunyai 99 nama yang indah tidak layak dipanggil "tuhan". Maka menyebut "tuhan" adalah maksiat dan menjadi kemurkaan Allah. Maka janganlah lagi berdoa dengan menyebut "Ya Allah Ya tuhan" sebaliknya sebutlah "Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim".atau sebutlah "Ya Allah ……(sebutlah nama nya 99 yang indah itu ) Itulah yang terbaik untuk diamalkan dalam menuju jalan yang lurus, jalan yang diredhai Allah. Ya Allah Azzawajalla, daku telah menyampaikan amanah mu. Maka segala urusan seterusnya ku serahkan kepada dikau yang maha berkuasa lagi maha menguasai, yang maha kaya segalanya. Allah sahaja yang maha luas ilmunya dan yang maha memberitau.Semoga kita sekelian sentiasa dikurniakan taufik dan hidayah, keberkatan, kerahmatan dengan keredhaan Allah Azzawajalla. Kenapa kita tak boleh sebut tuhan..... Kita telah berikrar bahawa "tiada" tuhan melainkan Allah. Maknanya bagi orang mukmin yg telah berikrar begitu hanya ada Allah shj. Kalau kita selami secara tasauf, apa shj yg tiada kena mengena dgn Allah adalah di bawah pentadbiran iblis. Jadi jelas lah bahawa apabila telah menolak tuhan, maka tuhan ditadbir oleh iblis. Maka itu banyaklah tuhan2 wujud di muka bumi ini. Maka apabila muslim berdoa dgn menyebut tuhan.. sebahagian dari kehidupan nya akan ditadbir oleh iblis. Maka sebahagian rezeki nya juga dari iblis. Itulah rezeki2 haram. Adakah rezeki2 haram spt rasuah, judi, arak, pelacuran dan lain-lain itu dari Allah? Allah itu maha pemurah dengan keredaannya. Adakah Allah redha dgn yg haram? Fikirkanlah. Sesungguhnya Allah juga memberi izin kepada iblis untuk mentadbir dgn sedikit kuasa dari zatNya yg lemah. Iblis itu ghaib, mempunyai kekuatan utk membisik kesesatan dan ia didukung oleh syaitan2, jin2 dan manusia2 yg khianat kpd Allah juga sesama manusia. Ia menjadikan maksiat itu menarik dan sentiasa mendorong hati2 yg lalai kepadanya. Maka itu berhati2 lah. Tuhan juga sama dengan god, ilahi dan robbi. Maka itu hidupkanlah nama Allah itu disetiap hati kita sepanjang masa. Maka tiada ruang untuk tuhan membisikkan kesesatan. Sentiasalah bermohon izin utk mendapatkan perlindungan Allah dari kejahatan dan kesesatan mahluk2 tuhan ini.Senang saja…Perbezaan Allah dgn tuhan..Allah maha mencipta….Tuhan di cipta…Allah maha pengasih dan penyayang ..tuhan maha pemarah dan pembenci… Moga mendapat kefahaman yg jelas dengan izin dan keredhaan Allah Azzawajala. Ruj:antara surah:- (1). Surah Al-Israa’ ayat 22 & 42 , (2). Surah Adz-Dzaariyaat ayat 51 SURAH AL-MAIDAH AYAT-73. – Demi sesungguh nya kafir lah orang orang yang berkata “ Bahawa sa nya Allah ialah salah satu dari tiga tuhan “ pada hal tiada tuhan….melainkan Allah yang maha Esa…..” ……..
20 January 2010
My Stand Regarding The Usage Of Word Allah By Christians Churches
Salam. I felt called to say what I think about the issues regarding the use of word Allah by Christian churches. Need be as I see this issued are being overplayed to incite hatred and anger for interreligious harmony & political agenda.
First, there is no suggestion by Allah himself that his name can be called by just the Muslim. Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. By this logic, Allah is definitely Owner of everything. Jesus Christ do not create Christian believer, Siddharta Gautama do not create Buddhist believer, and surely sun do not create sun worshipper. However, Allah does make suggestion what we can call him:
Say: Call upon Allah or call upon, the Beneficent God; whichever you call upon, He has the best names; and do not utter your prayer with a very raised voice nor be silent with regard to it, and seek a way between these(17:110). These means we can call him Allah, Ya Rahman, and Ya Rahim, but whichever He is called, he belongs to beautiful names. The previous cited sentence is the famous one that derived Asmaul Husna(Beautiful Names of Allah) I recall one hadith which sounds like these “Allah is Good and anything Good is associated with Him”. Therefore, it is a dumb suggestion that Allah is a name that is a franchise of Muslim, a God to Muslim specifically.
Second, we can refer to history. In its early Islamic civilization, Muslim has remarkable commitment to understanding and coexistence with the People of the Book. Islam clearly grants respect to Christians and Jews: Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a common word between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah (Aal-Imran, 3:64) and in al-Ankabut Allah says: And dispute not with the People of the Book but say “We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and that which came down to you…our God [Allah] and your God [Allah] is One, and it is to Him we bow (al-Ankabut, 29:46). From here, it is obvious that Allah is One, none comparable to other so-called God. I could also remember the writing of Mufti Perlis; which he states the religious tolerance shown by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muhamad allows the Christians and Jews to use the sentence (Bismikallahhumma) translated (with your name Allah).
Third, this issue could also serve a cynical message. Most of our malay Muslim often like to call God rather than Allah. The use of word God rather than that of Allah, especially by Muslim, shows very distant, unfriendly relationship with Allah. Alas, Allah creates this issue so to serve the reminder to Muslim. So this is a signal to call him by name Allah. God can refer to everybody below Him, but Allah refers to none except Allah, the One. Despite their reasoning that when they say God, they actly mean Allah, it is no excuse. It is matter of choice between knowing what is good and what is better.
Despite my points, I am not opted to either supports or forbid the usage of word Allah. On the other hand, I agree with the opinion by Khalid Samad and Marina Mahathir. Regarding marina mahathir opinion, it really attracts me. If muslim, being the true religion believer, why afraid of such little things? If you understand who Allah is, there is really no issue here. It is ok for the Christian and Jews to use it, if they have a good intention may Allah blessed them. It really depends on the intention, if they think of bad intention to use it; it is considerable that we endeavor to disallow it. This issue is simple, simple really. I believe the outbreak had been invented by none other than religious extremist and politician.
p/s: The Muslim better focus on a surefire things that are disallowed by Allah: Melodi( for gossiping, backbiting, scandalmongering which is stated by Allah in 104:1), Akademi Fantasia (for promoting entertainment that tends to mislead the youth from remembering Allah), and so MANY obvious things.
First, there is no suggestion by Allah himself that his name can be called by just the Muslim. Allah is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. By this logic, Allah is definitely Owner of everything. Jesus Christ do not create Christian believer, Siddharta Gautama do not create Buddhist believer, and surely sun do not create sun worshipper. However, Allah does make suggestion what we can call him:
Say: Call upon Allah or call upon, the Beneficent God; whichever you call upon, He has the best names; and do not utter your prayer with a very raised voice nor be silent with regard to it, and seek a way between these(17:110). These means we can call him Allah, Ya Rahman, and Ya Rahim, but whichever He is called, he belongs to beautiful names. The previous cited sentence is the famous one that derived Asmaul Husna(Beautiful Names of Allah) I recall one hadith which sounds like these “Allah is Good and anything Good is associated with Him”. Therefore, it is a dumb suggestion that Allah is a name that is a franchise of Muslim, a God to Muslim specifically.
Second, we can refer to history. In its early Islamic civilization, Muslim has remarkable commitment to understanding and coexistence with the People of the Book. Islam clearly grants respect to Christians and Jews: Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a common word between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah (Aal-Imran, 3:64) and in al-Ankabut Allah says: And dispute not with the People of the Book but say “We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and that which came down to you…our God [Allah] and your God [Allah] is One, and it is to Him we bow (al-Ankabut, 29:46). From here, it is obvious that Allah is One, none comparable to other so-called God. I could also remember the writing of Mufti Perlis; which he states the religious tolerance shown by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muhamad allows the Christians and Jews to use the sentence (Bismikallahhumma) translated (with your name Allah).
Third, this issue could also serve a cynical message. Most of our malay Muslim often like to call God rather than Allah. The use of word God rather than that of Allah, especially by Muslim, shows very distant, unfriendly relationship with Allah. Alas, Allah creates this issue so to serve the reminder to Muslim. So this is a signal to call him by name Allah. God can refer to everybody below Him, but Allah refers to none except Allah, the One. Despite their reasoning that when they say God, they actly mean Allah, it is no excuse. It is matter of choice between knowing what is good and what is better.
Despite my points, I am not opted to either supports or forbid the usage of word Allah. On the other hand, I agree with the opinion by Khalid Samad and Marina Mahathir. Regarding marina mahathir opinion, it really attracts me. If muslim, being the true religion believer, why afraid of such little things? If you understand who Allah is, there is really no issue here. It is ok for the Christian and Jews to use it, if they have a good intention may Allah blessed them. It really depends on the intention, if they think of bad intention to use it; it is considerable that we endeavor to disallow it. This issue is simple, simple really. I believe the outbreak had been invented by none other than religious extremist and politician.
p/s: The Muslim better focus on a surefire things that are disallowed by Allah: Melodi( for gossiping, backbiting, scandalmongering which is stated by Allah in 104:1), Akademi Fantasia (for promoting entertainment that tends to mislead the youth from remembering Allah), and so MANY obvious things.
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