Assalamualaikum. As titled above, one can pre-suggest what I am about to wrote. It might be as exemplified by Dr. Mahathir – The Malay Dilemma. Only difference is I will touch on the failure of Muslim, as I am particularly very saddened and disappointed with the circumstances cornering Muslim all around the world in the societal and individual manner. In this prelude, I will highlight two major inspirations as of my purpose of typing this article: -
1) Reading the 2nd book of Syed Akbar Ali, titled Malaysia & The Club of Doom*. The star symbol means The Collapse of Islamic Countries. He shed many lights in discovering Failed State of Islamic Countries, as well as
2) My recent debate with an ex-Muslim, who then introduces me to this site, Faith Freedom International. You can access the site with following address; Our arguments refresh me with the problems, sickness and hatred from Non-Muslim toward Muslim Nations. Notwithstanding the fact that Muslims are troublesome ummah, The Quran and deen of Islam are not to be blamed.
Therefore, we can shift to major purpose of this article. I am doing this for awareness of my fellow Muslim regardless of geographical location, the needs to fix Islam image. This is also a result of pent-up disappointment towards Muslim behavior despite there are obvious, foolproof references ever, the Al-Quran. Despite the many criticism & resentment falls over Muslim, we are unchanging of our fate. Before we move into 2nd chapter, I need to make clear of something; the facts & figures in this article will be primarily based on the Syed Akbar Ali book, others would be derived from Internet. I will also include my personal observation.
Now we are talking. Even though
Firstly here, Section 76 from British law:
Section 76. Power of Court to order division of matrimonial assets.
(1) The court shall have power, when granting a decree of divorce or judicial separation, to order the division
between the parties of any assets acquired by them during the marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.
And here our Islamic Family Law:
Section 58. Power of Court to order division of harta sepencarian.
(1) The court shall have power, when granting a pronouncement of talaq or when making an order of divorce, to order the division between the parties of any assets acquired by them during the marriage by their joint efforts or the sale of any such assets and the division between the parties of the proceeds of sale.
If you notice, only minor changes are made like using the Arabic word talaq instead of ‘divorce’ or the Malay word harta sepencarian instead of ‘matrimonial assets. Million of
Muslims in
Not only religion naivety curses those of Muslim youth, but also at levels of politician and elderly. For example, in the case of Saiful – Anwar sodomy, there are no mentioning that the accuser doing the swearing in Al-Quran, it suppose to be the accused to do the swearing to defend himselves. In that swearing, Saiful make 2 major mistakes, the mispronunciation of Watallahi and admit wrong date (Aug 26 before correct it to Jun 26). It looks like Allah will clearly show who is the false when you play with His religion. Saiful is a munafiq (a concept given to those who ostendingly admit to know about religion). Is that now we can see that there is nothing happening to both party? Because there is fallacy, so nothing happen. Following the incident, the swearing become quickly famous, and the prominent political leader also followed it to stave off accusation thrown at them. The Minister of Defence, Najib also do it. Little did he know that in other way, he was actually shows off his naivety concerning Islam knowledge! Here is reference from Al-Quran telling these munafik:
[63.2] They made their swearing (or admittance) as a shield (to save their life and wealth from being killed or seized), hence they barricade (thyself and others) from follow the correct Path of Allah.
Our ummah is also dirty and unclean. We made comparison with South Korean. The Quran talks about ‘aamilus solihaat’ or righteous works. The South Koreans have established a cycle of aamilus solihaat. These must be preceded by a willingness on the part of the people to cooperate and help each other. They must agree to abide by so called secular laws which say that no rubbish must be thrown into the rivers. They have inculcated a good value system which teaches the majority of their population to wash their hands after using the toilet. They must have disciplined Civil Servants whose duty is to implement those laws fairly and efficiently. Unfortunately this circle of aamilus solihaat has so far eluded the Islamic countries. One cannot avoid noticing that most Muslim countries are still dirty and unhygienic, including
As the last example, some religious folks came out with the idea to arrest and jail people who have deviated from their religion. When they get strange ideas like this, it will invariably involve money. This idea created opportunities to award multi mullion Ringgit contracts to lucky religious folks to build a Pusat Pemilhan Akidah or Faith Rehabilitation Centre to reform the so called religious deviants whom they were going to arrest. So they built one at Jelebu in Negeri Sembilan. Then they found out that because religion is a state matter in
The Failed State – The Definitions and Characteristics
Failed State has various definitions. This is one or two I derive from the book. “A state if failing when its government is losing physical control of its territory or lacks a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. Other symptoms include the erosion of authority to make collective decisions, an inability to provide reasonable public services, and the loss of the capacity to interact with the international community”. Another definition says a State is failing when there is “extensive corruption and criminal behavior, inability to collect taxes or otherwise draw on citizen support, large-scale involuntary dislocation of the population, sharp economic decline, group-based inequality, and institutionalized persecution or discrimination. Below are twelve characteristics of
- Mounting Demographic Pressures
- Massive Movement of Refugees and Displaced Persons
- Legacy of Vengeance – Seeking Group Grievance
- Chronic and Sustained Human Flight
- Uneven Economic Development along Group Lines
- Sharp and/or Severe Economic Decline
- Criminalization or Delegimitization of the State
- Progressive Deterioration of Public Services
- Widespread Violation of Human Rights
- Security Apparatus as “State within a State”
- Rise of Factionalized Elites
- Intervention of Other States or External Actors
This will be my last paragraph. So I am going to include my personal observation:
1. It’s laughable matter when you indulge deeply in Quran knowledge, just to find out that there are so many fallacy, so many deviant and naïve out there. For example, Muslimah wear of tudung. The wear of tudung is compulsory-imposed by Allah to woman: Following are verse from Al-Quran and Hadith from Prophet Muhammad:
a) [33.59] Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
b) Rasulullah bersabda: “Bahawa anak perempuan apabila cukup umurnya, maka mereka tidak boleh dilihat akan dia, melainkan mukanya dan dua tapak tangannya hinnga pergelangan. (H.R. Abu Daud)
c) [24.31] Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka; dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya.
From this reference above, we can conclude that the real, approved wear of tudung must close everything, except for face and hand to wrist. But, how of Muslimah
As a conclusion, thanks your for reading my article. Do what you can to rejuvenate Islam image. See example from Nabi’s victorious age. Every single thing you know about Islam & Al-Quran would greatly helps. Islam & Al-Quran are not to blamed for gloomy, failed Muslim life. Again, Jazakallahu Khairan.
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